
Hope, Part 1 (Lam. 3:21)

by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on November 24, 2024) Is there anyone out there who is struggling with a lack of hope? Anyone who is facing troubles that threaten to drive them into despair? Then please join us today for this encouraging message about the important topic of “hope.” May every one of us…


The Lost Quality of Steadfastness, Part 2 (Phil. 1:27-30)

by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on October 20, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, “steadfastness” is a quality that is fast disappearing from our culture. In the conclusion of this message today, Elder John Morgan Owens teaches us more about the need for steadfastness, and the even greater need to understand what the…


The Lost Quality of Steadfastness, Part 1 (Phil. 1:27-30)

by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on October 20, 2024) In Philippians 1:27, Paul admonishes the church to “stand fast.” This means to be “steadfast.” In today’s world, the quality of steadfastness seems for the most part to be lost. But this is one of the most important qualities we can possess, especially when it…