
Annual Meeting 2024: Taking Care of Your Ox, Part 1 (1 Cor. 9:1-14)

by Elder Neil Honea (preached on March 9, 2024) During our 2024 Annual Meeting, Elder Neil Honea preached a powerful sermon concerning the way in which the churches are to provide for their pastors and preacher. Preachers are compared in Scripture to “oxen,” and we are told to take care of their material and spiritual…


Divine Exchanges (Elder Neil Honea, September 27, 2020)

The ultimate “divine exchange” occurred when Jesus came down from Heaven to take the place of His elect people on the cross – He exchanged His righteousness for their sins, and perfectly expunged their record for eternity! And since He effected this ultimate “divine exchange,” there are many things that we ought to exchange in…