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The Book of Hebrews, Part 73: Spiritual Blessings in the Church – Spiritual Worship and Benediction (Heb. 13:7-25)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on August 4, 2024) As we come to the conclusion of our series on the book of Hebrews, the writer reminds us of some blessings that we have in the church Kingdom. We have been looking at the spiritual leadership God has provided through His called ministry. We continue…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 72: Spiritual Blessings in the Church – Spiritual Leadership (Heb. 13:7-25)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on August 4, 2024) As we reach the end of the Book of Hebrews, we are focusing on some spiritual blessings that we have in the church. We have discussed the blessing of spiritual fellowship, and today we consider the blessing of spiritual worship. God has given us pastors…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 71: Spiritual Blessings in the Church: Spiritual Fellowship II (Heb. 13:1-6)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on July 21, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, chapter 13 takes us from “doctrine” to “duty”. In this last chapter of Hebrews, the writer reminds us of spiritual blessings that we have in the Church, and exhorts us to work to achieve those blessings. One of the…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 70: Spiritual Blessings in the Church – Spiritual Fellowship I (Heb. 13:1-6)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on July 21, 2024) As we approach the end of our series on Hebrews, we come to the last chapter of the book. Up to this point, we have dealt primarily with doctrine; in chapter 13, we find many admonitions to duty. The primary thrust of this chapter is…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 69: Refuse Not Him That Speaketh II (Heb. 12:25-29)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on July 7, 2024) In the first half of this sermon, we were beginning to see that God “shook things up” when He sent Christ to the earth. The writer compares the “shaking” that occurred on earth at Sinai with the “shaking” that occurred of heaven and earth in…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 68: Refuse Not Him That Speaketh I (Heb. 12:25-29)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on July 7, 2024) As we continue our study of the Book of Hebrews, we come to the end of the twelfth chapter and one of the last admonitions from the writer: refuse not Him that speaketh! The point here is that we should listen to God and obey…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 67: Two Mountains II (Heb. 12:18-29)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on June 9, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, the contrast between the two mountains of Sinai and Sion is stark! Sinai represents the Law worship in Old Testament times; Sion represents grace worship in New Testaments days. Join us today for the conclusion of this sermon about…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 66: Two Mountains I (Heb. 12:18-29)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on June 9, 2024) In the passage before us today, the writer paints a vivid contrast between public worship under the Law and public worship in the church by comparing two mountains: Sinai and Sion. Sinai represents the Law, Sion represents grace. This is the “grand summation” of all…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 65: Keeping On Keeping On (Heb. 12:1-17)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on June 2, 2024) As we conclude this sermon on patience, which in Scripture simply means “keeping on keeping on,” we find that not only should we be encouraged by God’s chastening of us, but we also ought to be encouraged by His great love for us. That love…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 64: Keeping On Keeping On I (Heb. 12:1-17)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on June 2, 2024) We have seen that the writer of Hebrews admonishes us to “run the race” with patience as he begins chapter 12. He goes on to encourage us to this same patience, which simply means “keeping on keeping on”, while giving us some important encouragement about…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 63: Looking Unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2-3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on May 12, 2024) As we saw in the last message, we are running a “race of discipleship” while here on earth. Like most runners, there are times when we get tired and feel like quitting. To whom can we look when we feel the exhaustion of the world…

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The Book of Hebrews, Part 62: Running Your Race II (Heb. 12:1)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on April 21, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, our life of discipleship is like a race. When running a race, we don’t burden ourselves down with weights; rather, we discard the weights so that we can run faster! Join us today as we continue looking at the…