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Mortifying Your Members, Part 16: “Letting In” Some Good Things II (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/30/2023) Today, we conclude our series on “mortifying your members.” Paul has told us the things we need to put to death in our lives, and the things we need to “put off;” he has also told us the things we need to “put on,” or clothe ourselves…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 15: “Letting In” Some Good Things I (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/30/2023 As we come to the conclusion of our series on “Mortifying Your Members,” we are now encouraged by Paul to “let” some things into our lives! If we will heed his warnings, we will be in a place to serve God prosperously in the Kingdom of God….

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 14: Putting On Some Good Things II (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/16/2023) We continue today looking at some things that we need to “put on” in our lives. Paul adjures the Colossians to act in such a way that they would be seen as “Christians,”, or “Christ-like.” These things will promote harmony in the Kingdom and will avoid strife!…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 13: Putting On Some Good Things I (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/16/2023) Having discussed the things we need to “mortify” or “put off,” we now turn to the things that we need to “put on.” There are several things that Paul tells them they should put on, but the basis of all of them is charity, or love. Join…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 12: Putting Off Some Bad Things IV (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/9/2023) The sins we are considering are sins that divide us, and they include blasphemy, filthy communications, and lying. We must “put off” these sins as part of our effort to “mortify” our members! Join us as we continue looking at how to put off these sins. Download…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 11: Putting Off Some Bad Things III (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/9/2023) As we continue looking at “putting off” sins, we come to sins of division – i.e., sins that divide us. The previous sins of anger, wrath, and malice, originate in the heart, and are sins of desire. The sins under consideration today – blasphemy, filthy communications, and…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 10: Putting Off Some Bad Things II (Anger) (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/2/2023) We continue today looking at anger, wrath, and malice. Paul tells the Colossians that they need to “put off” anger! This is a sin that afflicts many of us, and we all need to deal with it in our lives by “putting it off.” Download Audio File

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 9: Putting Off Some Bad Things I (Anger) (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 7/2/2023) Having looked at the things we must mortify, or “murder”, in our hearts, we begin today looking at things we must “put off.” The sins we’ve been dealing with have been primarily sins of the heart; today, we begin looking at sins of the hands – i.e.,…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 8: Sins of Desire (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 6/18/2023) Today, we conclude a sermon begun yesterday regarding the rest of the “members” we need to “mortify,” or “murder.” These sins of the heart lead to sins of the hands, or actions that are iniquitous. Join us as we learn more about the things we need to…


Mortifying Your Members, Part 7: Sins of Desire (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 6/18/2023) As we continue looking at the things we need to “mortify,” we are going to consider some more sins of desire – that is, sins that primarily dominate in our hearts. We have looked at fornication; today, we take up the problems of uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 6: Sins of Desire – Fornication IV (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool (preached on 6/11/2023) As we finish our examination of the issue of fornication, we learn how to “mortify”, or “murder”, this member. Fornication is NOT a sin you can fight – you must FLEE from it! Join us as we conclude our discussion of mortifying fornication in our lives. Download Audio…

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Mortifying Your Members, Part 5: Sins of Desire – Fornication III (Col. 3)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 6/11/2023) We continue today looking at fornication, the first member that we are told to “mortify,” or “murder.” Fornication is an uncomfortable topic to talk about, but it is SO necessary for God’s people to hear today! Join us as we continue to see the problem with fornication,…