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Legal Concepts in the Scripture: Veils and Testaments, Part 2 (2 Cor. 3:7-17)

by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on March 17, 2024) In the first half of this sermon, Elder John Morgan Owens was beginning to teach us the elements of a “last will and testament.” We were also being shown how “veils” and “testaments” were often used in the same passages in Scripture. As we conclude…

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Legal Concepts in the Scripture: Veils and Testaments, Part 1 (2 Cor. 3:7-17)

by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on March 17, 2024) In this sermon, Elder John Morgan Owens begins a “loose series” about some legal concepts that appear in Scripture. Today, we begin looking at “testaments.” A testament is tantamount to what we would call a “last will and testament” today, and there are certain elements…


Divine Exchanges (Elder Neil Honea, September 27, 2020)

The ultimate “divine exchange” occurred when Jesus came down from Heaven to take the place of His elect people on the cross – He exchanged His righteousness for their sins, and perfectly expunged their record for eternity! And since He effected this ultimate “divine exchange,” there are many things that we ought to exchange in…

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The Life of the Church (Elder Buddy Abernathy, August 8, 2020)

Have you ever considered the fact that the Church of Jesus Christ is NOT an organization, but a living organism? The Head of the Church is Christ Himself, Who is ruling and reigning over His earthly Kingdom today. We (the members) are the Body – living, loving, looking to Him for our guide and support….


The Christian’s Motivation (Elder Buddy Abernathy, July 26, 2020) (2 Cor. 5:14-15)

In this sermon, Bro. Buddy Abernathy reminds us about what our motivation to serve God should be: “In a world where we’re so discouraged, where things go wrong, we have all kind of problems – it is this core doctrine that constrains us: that you can go home tonight, and you KNOW based on God’s…


Treasure in Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4:7, June 7, 2020) (Eld. Buddy Abernathy)

In this wonderful message about the divine call to preach, Elder Buddy Abernathy reminds us that the church cannot make a preacher, only God can do that! Bro. Dillon Holley introduces this message and prays the opening prayer, reminding us that we ought to fear God enough to obey Him. May we never forget these…