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The Book of Haggai, Part 10 (Hag. 2:20-23)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 1/9/22) As we conclude the Book of Haggai, we can reflect on what we have seen: complacency, giving way to renewed fervor for God, afflicted by discouragement, and ultimately resulting in the encouragement of God through His prophet Haggai. Today we conclude this series with a message of utmost…

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The Book of Haggai, Part 9 (Hag. 2:20-23)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 1/9/22) In this first half of the conclusion to our series in Haggai, Pastor McCool begins to examine the final message of encouragement sent to God’s people through the mouth of Haggai the prophet: look forward! The people in Haggai’s day were looking forward to the coming of the…

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The Book of Haggai, Part 8 (Hag. 2:15-19)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 1/5/2022) In this message, Pastor McCool spends some time reviewing the previous sermon about “looking inward,” where Haggai reminds us that unconfessed, habitual sin can make our service to God vain. Haggai also exhorts the Israelites to build up their faith, trusting God even when the outcome appears to…

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The Book of Haggai, Part 7 (Hag. 2:10-14)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 12/1/21) After bringing them a message of encouragement, exhorting them to “look upward” to God, Haggai then admonishes them to look inward, at themselves and the sin that doth so easily beset all children of God. He tells them that unrebuked, unrepented-of sin will cause a problem with their…

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The Book of Haggai, Pt 5 (Hag. 2:1-9)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 11/17/21) After the Jews returned from captivity and re-started the work of rebuilding the Temple at Haggai’s exhortation, opposition almost immediately arose. This opposition was both external and internal, and resulted in the faithful remnant becoming discouraged. But God sent another message to the Jews through Haggai: look upward!…

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The Book of Haggai, Part 4 (Hag. 1)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 11/3/21) In this message, we see what can happen when complacency turns to commitment. The Israelites who returned from the captivity had ceased the work of rebuilding the Temple for fifteen years, yet when Haggai preached the admonishing message of God to them, they returned to the work of…

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The Book of Haggai, Part 3 (Hag. 1)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 10/16/21) When we grow complacent in our service to God, we generally stop experiencing the special blessings that only come from commitment to Him. Our discipleship is important, and God told Haggai to admonish the Israelites who had been negligent in failing to commit to the work of rebuilding…