Monday Minutes With Pastor Chris McCool (October 3, 2022)

In today’s hyper-politicized world, we are tempted to engage the enemies of God at a visceral, carnal level. When we see ungodly actions taken by our leaders, we are sometimes lured into the worldly thinking that everything in our country depends upon our ability to mobilize politically and vanquish the proponents of darkness! But is that really what we are called to do?

In today’s post, I have taken the liberty of combining two articles by Elder Mike Ivey that address our “citizenship.” While we are certainly patriotic citizens of the USA, there is actually a citizenship for the child of God that is much more important!

May the Lord bless you is my prayer.

Elder Chris McCool, Pastor


by Elder Michael Ivey

I. Citizenship with and in Christ

In today’s polarized and hyper-energized secular political climate we as Christians are too often prone to lose sight of our citizenship in Christ; of which, Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi: “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ….” Philippians 3:20. Conversation in this passage is from the Greek word πολίτευμα (politeuma). It is from the root of this word we get the English word politic.

From Paul’s exhortation we are given to understand the political interests of God’s children must always be oriented toward furthering and enjoying the cause Christ. First and foremost ours is a heavenly citizenship. All other political participation should be secondary.

Furthermore, we ought never embrace secular political values and ethics that are in conflict with the moral standard and ethical behaviors that accompany citizenship with and in Christ. This being so, our primary and constant duty is to further and enjoy the cause of Christ as his ambassadors in a foreign and remote land. We are to do so until we depart this earthly post to go to our own land, our forever home with the LORD. There, we will enjoy the full measure of security, liberty and peace that only heavenly citizenship affords.

II. Conversation in the Gospel of Christ

“Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel…” Philippians 1:27

The Greek verb which is translated “conversation” in this verse is πολιτεύομαι politeuomai. It means: To behave appropriately as a citizen; and is the word from which we get our English verb to politic, e.g. politicking. This being so, we are given to understand Paul instructs in matters of civil discourse believers are to conduct ourselves in ways suitable to God as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

This means it must never be “politics as usual”for believers. Our loyalty is to God above all else. Our cause is Christ, who is “the Truth” (Matthew 12:14). Our primary duty is to honor Him by striving together to stand fast with other believers by engaging in faithful behavior in all our affairs.

Therefore, our politics must always be tethered to truth. We are to speak and act upon what we know is true; neither receiving nor using misdirection, falsehood, omission or exaggeration to support or oppose political causes. Thus on a basis of truth, we are to submit our thoughts, speech and actions to God’s moral authority concerning good and evil in all things political.

It’s that simple.