Monday Minutes With Pastor Chris McCool (May 24, 2021): The Key to the Kingdom, Part 3

We have been examining the parable of the Sower and the Seeds found in chapter four of Mark’s gospel. We have already seen that the four categories of hearers of the word, represented by the four categories of ground described by Jesus, were ALL children of God. Understanding this truth truly is the “key” to the Kingdom of God, because it gives us insight into the responses to the gospel and how to deal with each category of hearer. 

Today, we want to talk about the second category of children of God discussed by Jesus: those on the “stony ground.” The Stony Ground Christian is initially excited about the gospel message: he rejoices in it, receives it with gladness, and can even appear “on fire for God.” See Mark 4:16. Unfortunately, within a short time – due to persecution, or other obstacles – this type of Christian begins to “fall away,” forsaking the church and the message of the gospel. They “endure but for a time,” Mk 4:17, and then you quit seeing them around as much. The world, from whence they came, takes them back due to a particular problem.

What is the problem with the Stony Ground Christian? Jesus says that he “had not much earth,” and therefore have no “root in themselves.” (Mk 4:5, 17). In other words, there is no fertile ground for the word to take hold of: mostly rock, not much soil, and therefore it doesn’t take much for the planting to wither.

This type Christian, while certainly a child of God, nonetheless has not been attentive to the study of Scripture. He probably hasn’t been to church very much, possibly never, in his life. It doesn’t take much for this kind of Christian to be “run off” from church: someone may criticize him for going to church at all, or someone in church may say something that strikes him wrong. Whatever it is, because there is no fertile soil in which for the gospel to take root, he stays only for a little while and then leave.

So how do we deal with the Stony Ground Christian? You may recall that, for the Way Side Christian, the primary message is STOP – i.e., stop committing the sin you are habitually engaging in, stop going down the broad path that leads to destruction, and get on the right path! For the Stony Ground Christian, the message is STUDY – i.e., get into the word of God, study it, build up that soil that right now is shallow, and make it deeper and richer so that the gospel message can take root!

When I was a young man, my brother and I journeyed out to California to visit an elderly gentleman who had been friends with my grandfather. He was in his early nineties, and had been a gardener. However, the place where he lived had no grass, no water, and no fertile soil. Even his yard was comprised of colored rocks! Yet, as a gardener, he still had some beautiful, green, flourishing tomato plants. How did he accomplish this in such an arid desert land?

The answer is simple: he put layer after layer of fertile topsoil on top of the dead dry rocks! By so doing, he corrected the problem of his stony ground and laid out a garden to be proud of, where much fruit would grow.

Beloved friends, that’s what we must say to the Stony Ground Christians whom we encounter in our journey: STUDY! We must teach him to layer the ground of his already-quickened heart with the fertile soil of the word of God. By so doing, he will learn how to resist the temptation to flee when the devil brings persecution or troubles to bear.

Next week, we will examine the “Thorny Ground Christian,” and see if we recognize ourselves sometimes in this category!

May the Lord bless you today, and every day.

Elder Chris McCool, Pastor

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