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Eternal Salvation, Time Salvation, and Gospel Salvation (Mat. 1:21; Acts 2:40; Gal. 5:1)

by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on July 28, 2024) In Primitive Baptist churches, you will often hear the terms “eternal,” “time”, or “gospel” salvation. In this powerful sermon, Elder Buddy Abernathy takes us through Scripture to show us what each of these concepts teaches. He focuses in particular upon “gospel salvation,” and the relief that…


He Has Accomplished and Applied Our Salvation! (Gal. 6:11-16)

by Elder Matt Sonstegard (preached on 3-18-22) In this sermon, also from our 2018 Annual Meeting, Elder Matt Sonstegard of Lindsay, California, preaches from Galatians 6 about the accomplishment and application of salvation. Christ accomplished our eternal salvation on the Cross, and He applies it to us in the new birth. Both glorious events are…


Glorying Only in the Cross (Bro. John Morgan Owens, August 23, 2020) (Gal. 6)

In this sermon, Bro. Owens asks us to imagine the misery of a world where our eternal salvation is based on our works. Many people in the world today are following such religious schemes – how miserable must that kind of belief make your life to be! We could never be satisfied with our own…