The Ordination of a Primitive Baptist Elder, Part 1 – Opening Prayer, Questioning
Ordination service conducted on May 14, 2022
In the next three posts, we are sharing portions of the ordination service for Elder John Morgan Owens, a member who has been exercising a divine call to preach for several years under the authority of Zion Primitive Baptist Church. The entire service was livestreamed on Facebook, but the service was too long to post here. However, we are sharing portions of the service in the hope it will help all to understand how Primitive Baptists identify those who have been called to preach by God, and make sure they are sound in the faith. Today’s post contains the opening prayer by Elder Wayne Crocker, some remarks by Elder Buddy Abernathy as he questioned the spokesman of the church as to Bro. Owens’ qualifications, and the questioning of the candidate as to his soundness in the faith by Elder Tim McCool. I hope you will stay tuned for the rest of the portions of this service that we post!