
The Book of Job, Part Three: Satan’s Assaults (Job 1-2)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached 9/5/2021)

In this sermon, Pastor Chris McCool reviews the situation up to this point, and then plunges into the problems that Job is about to experience. Many people think that God was the instigator of Job’s sufferings, but here in these first two chapters we see that it is Satan who assaults Job. God ALWAYS acts in accordance with His divine and holy nature: He is the great Keeper of the Hedge, while it is Satan (the Adversary) who is the afflicter of the children of God. Ultimately, Job recognized these great divine truths, as we are told he sinned not with his lips nor charged God foolishly. Join us as we continue to explore the nature of suffering and sin, and examine the three of the great themes of Job: patience, pride, and pity!

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