Fifth Sunday Night Meeting
We invite you to worship with us each fifth Sunday night, as we normally have a visiting minister. We meet at the normal time of 5 p.m., and have finger foods/fellowship immediately following.
We invite you to worship with us each fifth Sunday night, as we normally have a visiting minister. We meet at the normal time of 5 p.m., and have finger foods/fellowship immediately following.
Today we begin posting a new series, entitled “A Man After God’s Own Heart”, about the life of David up until the time he becomes King of Israel. There are seventeen sermons in this series, and I plan to post a new sermon each Sunday afternoon. In this first sermon, we are introduced to this…
I want to invite everyone to our 2021 Annual Meeting at Zion Primitive Baptist Church, located at 9487 County Road 49, Gordo, Alabama 35466. Our meeting will be held on Saturday March 20, 2021, beginning at 10 a.m., followed by lunch and an afternoon service. Elder David Crawford, pastor of MacClenny Primitive Baptist Church in…
When: Saturday 3/4/23, beginning at 10 a.m. Where: Zion Primitive Baptist Church, 9487 County Road 49, Gordo AL 35466 I want to invite everyone to our 2023 Annual Meeting at Zion Primitive Baptist Church, located at 9487 County Road 49, Gordo, Alabama 35466. Our meeting will be held on Saturday March 4, 2023, beginning at…
We want to let everyone know that Zion Primitive Baptist Church will meet as usual on Sunday morning, December 25, 2022. Worship starts at 10:30 with singing, followed by prayer and preaching. However, in recognition of the numerous family gatherings that normally occur among our members and visitors on Christmas Day, we have decided to…
Friends, Happy New Year! I wanted to update everyone on my plans for the Zion PBC podcast in 2022. First of all, thanks to all who subscribe, both to the website and to the podcast. I hope it is of some help to your spiritual walk. Secondly, Lord willing, I plan to start posting a…
We want to let everyone know about a few changes to our worship schedule during the holiday season in December 2023: Wednesday 12/20/23 – NO SERVICES Sunday 12/24/23 – Morning services at 10:30 a.m.; NO EVENING SERVICE Sunday 12/31/23 – Morning services at 10:30 a.m.; Evening services at 5 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EVENING…