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Eternal Salvation, Time Salvation, and Gospel Salvation (Mat. 1:21; Acts 2:40; Gal. 5:1)

by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on July 28, 2024) In Primitive Baptist churches, you will often hear the terms “eternal,” “time”, or “gospel” salvation. In this powerful sermon, Elder Buddy Abernathy takes us through Scripture to show us what each of these concepts teaches. He focuses in particular upon “gospel salvation,” and the relief that…


Four Simple Truths (Acts 2:42)

by Elder Tim McCool (preached 4/21/2012) In this powerful message, Elder Tim McCool shares words of instruction and encouragement in revival. There are many things the world tries to add to the church in order to bring revival, but the reality is that God’s word only gives us four simple things: doctrine, fellowship, breaking of…

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The Kingdom of God, Part Forty-Seven: The Resurrection – What Happens When Jesus Returns? (Acts 1:8-10)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 9/18/22) In the first half of this message, we looked at the question of what happens when we die. Today, we conclude by asking the question, “What happens when Jesus Returns?” Is there some complicated eschatological process that involves some intervening dispensation of time, or does Jesus simply…

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The Kingdom of God, Part Forty-Six: The Resurrection – What Happens When We Die? (Acts 1:8-10)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 9/18/22) As we continue our look at Article 8 of our Articles of Faith, we ask the question today, “What happens when we die?” There are many theories in the world, but what does the Bible say about death and the child of God? Today we look at…

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The Kingdom of God, Part Forty-Five: The Resurrection (cont.) (Acts 1:1-8)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 9/11/22) Last time we began looking at Article 8 of our Articles of Faith, which deals with the “end times” and the Second Coming of Christ. In order to understand eschatology, we saw a need to understand that we are currently living in the spiritual Kingdom of God…

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The Kingdom of God, Part Forty-Four: The Resurrection (Acts 1:1-8)

by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 9/11/22) Article Eight of our Articles of Faith reads as follows: “We believe in a resurrection of the dead and a general judgment and that the felicity (joy) of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.” This speaks of the simple, Bible-based belief that…


The Most Prevalent Doctrinal Error in the Religious World (Acts 15:1)

by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached 4/4/2021) What is the most prevalent doctrinal error in regard to salvation in the religious world today? It might surprise you, but it’s nothing new – it was a problem all the way back at the beginning of the church! In this sermon, Elder Buddy Abernathy preaches to us about…


Peter and Cornelius: A Message of Gospel Salvation (Acts 10)

Bro. John Morgan Owens (9/27/2020) In this message, Bro. John Morgan Owens gives us a wonderful summary of the encounter between Peter and Cornelius. Much of the religious world teaches that Peter went down to his house to “save” Cornelius; but as Primitive Baptists, we should always remember to ask the questions, “Saved from what?”…