Zion Primitive Baptist Church wishes to invite you to the ordination service of Bro. John Morgan Owens to the office of Elder. This special service will take place on May 14, 2022, beginning at 10 a.m. The morning service will consist of a worship service with singing and preaching, followed by lunch. The ordination service will begin immediately following lunch.
This is a special day in the life of Zion Primitive Baptist Church. Not only will we be ordaining Bro. John Morgan to the full work of the gospel ministry, but this ordination service will occur on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the constitution of Zion church. Zion Primitive Baptist Church was constituted on the Saturday before the third Sunday in May, 1847 (May 15, 1847). There were seven charter members, and the church has waxed and waned in membership over the years, until it got down to only one member from 2005 to 2011. By the mercies and providential blessings of God, we have seen the church grow in the past decade to more than fifty members!
We hope you can be with us on this special day. Praise be to God for His blessings upon His Kingdom!
Elder Chris McCool, Pastor