In the 6th Chapter of the Gospel of Mark, we find an account of the only miracle that is recorded in all four gospels. After returning to His home town, and finding great unbelief there, He sent out His disciples two by two to preach repentance. During this time, He also was informed of the death of His cousin, John the Baptist. And then Jesus departed via ship to rest, but was thronged by the multitudes. And here we see the Savior having great compassion on the people, and beginning to teach them as He was wont to do.
In Mark 6:35-38, Jesus began to be concerned with the physical needs of the crowd: “Give ye them to eat,” He Sid to His disciples. But when they searched for food, all they could find were five loaves and two fishes. How could this possibly feed such a large multitude?
Whenever we begin to assess the circumstances in light of our own power and resources, we will ALWAYS come up short! That’s what the disciples did: in John 6:9, Andrew asked the sight-based question, “what are they among so many?” Jesus was looking for a faith-based approach, and demonstrated to the disciples and the crowd that, while it may appear that they had nothing, nothing is NOTHING with God! He took their “nothing” and made it into “something” – in fact, it was everything they needed!
You know the rest of the story: Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes, and blessed them and gave them to His disciples to feed the multitude. Mark tells us, “And they did all eat, and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.” (Mark 6:42-43). What a bounty!
And did I mention that there were five thousand who were fed? Under no set of earthly circumstances could five loaves and two fishes suffice to feed even five hundred, much less five thousand! And yet, with God, “nothing” is NOTHING – this problem of having “nothing” did not phase the Savior. He took the “nothing” that the disciples thought they had, and turned it into everything the multitude needed for sustenance.
Does He not still do this today? Unfortunately, in the modern world, many churches do not believe that the preaching, praying, and singing – which is the New Testament model for public worship – is enough. Too many times, men add activities, youth groups, Sunday schools, and other programs in an effort to attract the world into the church.
But we don’t want the world in the church: rather, we want God’s children to come OUT of the world and into the church! I’ve heard it said before that “the church is getting more worldly, and the world is getting more churchy.” I’m not sure about the last part anymore, but I can agree that in many cases the church is getting too worldly!
In the Primitive Baptist Church, we have nothing to offer except the sweet fellowship of God’s children, and the pure preaching of God’s word. We have no programs or activities other than this! And yet, somehow Jesus multiples our little loaves and fishes every Sunday morning and evening into a full-course meal that feeds our spirits!
Never doubt that Jesus has the power to deliver in every situation of life, my friend! And don’t complicate your worship with man-made additions, but rather trust the Lord to fulfill His promise to take what appears to be “nothing,” and turn into the very something you need to feed your starving soul!
May the Lord bless you is my prayer.
Elder Chris McCool