by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor
In this passage of Mark’s gospel, we read about Blind Bartimaeus, who called out to Jesus as He passed by on the road. And then we read an amazing statement: “And Jesus stood still.” Remember, this was the very Christ Whose face was set like a flint toward Calvary! How could He possibly have time to stop for one pitiful blind beggar? Elsewhere, we read of Jesus standing up beside the heavenly throne as Stephen is stoned to death. Why would He do this for one insignificant deacon – at least as the world is concerned? The reason He stood still in one place and stood up in another is that there was a day when He SAT DOWN on the right hand of the Father on high! The reason He sat down? BECAUSE HE HAD FINISHED THE WORK OF ETERNAL REDEMPTION! Listen as we look at the glorious truth of a successful Savior.