Annual Meeting (Part 4): Adoption II
by Elder Mike Ivey
In this message, Elder Mike Ivey continues preaching on the biblical subject of adoption.
by Elder Mike Ivey
In this message, Elder Mike Ivey continues preaching on the biblical subject of adoption.
by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on August 11, 2024) Do you want to have a good life? The Bible teaches you how! In this sermon, Elder John Morgan Owens preaches to us from the book of Peter about how to have “good days.” Join us as we see what we need to do in…
by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 12/29/2019) Pastor Chris McCool continues our series dealing with the question, “How Big Is Your God?” by examining the 41st chapter of Genesis, and Joseph’s elevation from the prison to the palace. We see in this account that God is able to be trusted in ALL circumstances of…
by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached 12/4/22) Today we continue looking at the Book in the hand of God as seen in Revelation 5. We will find that no man was worthy to take it, but Christ the Lamb of God was worthy! Join us as we continue looking at this Book and what it means….
Elder Chris McCool continues in the book of Ruth to deliver a timely message for the child of God. When things don’t look good we are tempted to go around God’s way and do it our way. However, it is possible act in a godly fashion even if you are in an ungodly situation.
by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on October 6, 2024) In the last message from the book of Romans, we saw that our eternal salvation does not depend on whether or not we believe the gospel message. But does that mean that believing the gospel is not important? The answer is a resounding “NO!” It…
by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 9/18/22) In the first half of this message, we looked at the question of what happens when we die. Today, we conclude by asking the question, “What happens when Jesus Returns?” Is there some complicated eschatological process that involves some intervening dispensation of time, or does Jesus simply…